Card editing

Through Shoreline, clinicians can customize content specifically for each patient’s needs, allowing for better understanding and engagement. Additionally, doctors can edit video clips with various cards—start, middle, blank, and end cards—making content creation seamless and dynamic.

Check out the video below to see how it works!

AI Generation

We’re leveraging the latest in generative AI technology to revolutionize patient experience and education. With Shoreline, creating a constellation of personalized webpages based on search volume is a breeze. Our built-in approval workflow ensures content is vetted by legal and clinical experts, maintaining high standards and accuracy. Check out the video below to see how it works!

New Feature on Shoreline: Approval Workflows

We’re pleased to announce a new feature on Shoreline: approval workflows. This tool ensures that all patient education content is reviewed and approved by key stakeholders before being shared. This enhances compliance and quality with ease! Here’s a screenshot of the approval workflow in action.

Partnership with Vamos! Health

We are thrilled to announce our partnership with ¡Vamos! Health

Together, we’ll enhance patient education for the Hispanic community by leveraging Shoreline’s comprehensive database of videos, documents, articles, audio, and images. ¡Vamos! Health bilingual and culturally fluent team is passionate about making a difference, and our collaboration will empower families to access and share healthcare resources with ease.

Create Your Own Personalized Bite-Sized Medical Videos for Busy Schedules with Ease

At Shoreline, we understand the need to personalize at scale. Our bite-sized video clips offer quick, digestible insights into complex medical concepts, perfectly suited for today’s fast-paced digital environment. These clips fit seamlessly into both the patient’s and clinician’s busy schedules.

Ready to create your own? Watch this short video for easy tips on making effective at-home or at-work educational clips. No fancy equipment needed!

NCODA Conference Highlights: Shoreline Boosts Patient Satisfaction and Efficiency for Utah Cancer Specialists with Bite-Sized Videos and Generative AI

At the recent NCODA conference, Chuck Sharp, Dr. Jason Stinnett, and Jayne Erickson delivered an insightful webinar highlighting Shoreline’s role in enhancing patient satisfaction within their respective domains. Their collective excitement echoed the sentiment that our bite-sized video clips serve as the optimal learning tool for patients.

They were able to showcase the impactful outcomes stemming from Shoreline’s partnership with Utah Cancer Specialists:

• Utah Cancer Specialists saved 1 hour per clinician weekly and realized an ROI of 10.4.
• Achieved a Net Promoter Score on par with that of Apple.

Additionally, Shoreline has been using generative AI to support Utah Cancer Specialists SEO Content needs on their public website.

During the webinar, they shared meaningful testimonials from the case study:
• “I want to cry. This saves me so much time. I don’t have to repeat the same thing over and over again. I can just send a playlist.”
• “Having something digital that patients can view on their phones is so helpful.”
• “Automating the delivery of NCODA fact sheets is a game-changer.”

Below is an example of a clip filmed by Dr. Jason Stinnett that served as a part of this case study.

Shoreline participates in NCODA Spring Forum

Earlier this month, our CEO, Chuck Sharp, had the honor of participating in the NCODA Spring Forum, a remarkable conference facilitating groundbreaking advancements in oncology care.

During his time at NCODA, Chuck had the privilege of engaging with numerous dedicated Oncology Nurses, who are leading the charge in innovation and compassion within their field. Additionally, Chuck took the opportunity to capture insightful clips for our patient education platform, Shoreline.

Below, you’ll find a video featuring two remarkable nurses from Utah Cancer Specialists, shedding light on how NCODA supports both providers and patients.

Shoreline offers customized web content that can be embedded on any website

April 19th, 2024

Shoreline is an AI-enabled solution that empowers clinicians to create and share educational content including bite-sized video clips and information sheets.

It is a big task to add an entire tree of content to a website. Each page needs to be researched, created, composed, and run through an approval process. Shoreline aims to streamline the process with carefully guided generative AI that can create content quickly and accurately.

Created content then goes through an approval process with automated assignments for human approval based on tags.

Here is an example from the Shoreline website.

About Shoreline

Shoreline’s journey began when its founder and CEO, Chuck Sharp’s father, was diagnosed with cancer. As Chuck helped his father navigate the cancer care journey, he personally experienced how overwhelming and scary it was for his father, and he struggled to educate himself on his father’s diagnosis and care. Shoreline makes it easy for clinicians to create, curate, and deliver their own video clips + and content. Our services help with editing and project management while our A.I. tools make it easy to centralize, approve, and share education that improves the patient experience and provider engagement. Chuck Sharp founded and sold three successful software companies that specialized knowledge management, and now he’s applying his expertise to arm clinicians with the right tools to inform, educate, and care for patients. 

Learn more at

Utah Cancer Specialists Partner with Shoreline to Deliver Bite-Sized Care Videos for Cancer Patients.

April 1st, 2024

Clinicians at Utah Cancer Specialists partner with Shoreline to create bite-sized care videos for patients undergoing cancer treatment. 

It’s not easy for a patient to absorb the news of their cancer diagnosis. It’s harder still for them to process all the information they are being told about their treatment, prognosis, and care.

“At that moment, patients are in a fight or flight mode. They often tune out and cannot retain everything I am saying. When they get home, many patients turn to Google to learn about their cancer, and that information is often inaccurate.” said Oncologist Dr. Jason Stinnett, Utah Cancer Specialists.

Shoreline is an AI-enabled technology company based in Salt Lake City, UT, that empowers clinicians to effortlessly create bite-sized video clips they can easily share by text or email to improve patient experience. 

“Everyone is on their phone these days. Creating bite-sized video clips for patients just made sense. I wish I had this when my dad was diagnosed with cancer,” says Chuck Sharp, CEO of Shoreline. “Our solution strengthens the personal connection between the patient and the clinicians who serve them.” 

Shoreline enables clinicians to create customized playlists for individual patients and supports multimedia, including documents, articles, and videos. During the pilot phase, over 100 video clips were created, which were viewed over 1,200 times. Shoreline saved clinicians an average of an hour a week, and they also saw a meaningful uptick in patient satisfaction. 

Randy Erickson, the CEO of Utah Cancer Specialists said, “Our team is known for providing compassionate care and the most advanced treatment options. Through Shoreline we now offer the best patient education in Utah.”  

About Shoreline

Shoreline’s journey began when its founder and CEO, Chuck Sharp’s father, was diagnosed with cancer. As Chuck helped his father navigate the cancer care journey, he personally experienced how overwhelming and scary it was for his father, and he struggled to educate himself on his father’s diagnosis and care. Shoreline makes it easy for clinicians to create, curate, and deliver their own video clips + and content. Our services help with editing and project management while our A.I. tools make it easy to centralize, approve, and share education that improves the patient experience and provider engagement. Chuck Sharp founded and sold three successful software companies that specialized knowledge management, and now he’s applying his expertise to arm clinicians with the right tools to inform, educate, and care for patients. 

Learn more at

About Utah Cancer Specialists

Utah Cancer Specialists, the largest community-based oncology and hematology treatment practice in Utah, offers a range of services including medical oncology, hematology, radiation oncology, and imaging. Their specialists are well-versed in treating all types of cancer, including rare malignancies. Engaged in clinical research, they translate promising findings into effective treatments. As comprehensive providers, they offer support and educational programs to help individuals cope with cancer’s effects and prepare for life after treatment.

For more information, please visit